To mark the 75th anniversary of Sid Field’s untimely passing, this illustrated talk examines his life and legacy as one of the most influential, yet enigmatic, of comedians. Not a superstar until he was nearly 40, Field dominated the West End at the end of World War II and starred in the most expensive British film then yet made. But his career was tragically cut short at the height of his fame. It’s a surprising and heartbreaking story, with a star-studded cast, that straddles the eras of music hall and television.
About Will Bird
For the past 7 years Will has been providing live cultural and historical lectures to libraries around London in person and via Zoom. His day job is the admissions manager for one of London’s top theatre schools and he has also worked as a theatre director and a bookseller. For educational purposes he is now turning some of these talks into full documentaries which can be found here: